THE RULER TOOL IN PHOTOSHOP CS5 – Photoshop Video Tutorial

      In this short but very good Photoshop video tutorial you will get the brief walk-trough of the capabilities of the Ruler Tool in Photoshop CS5. The very good instructor, Justin Z., will show you and explain to you how you can use the Ruler Tool to straighten and crop your image and how you can use this tool to take direct measurements in your image. As you can see, with video lesson you will learn to use the Ruler Tool in your future work either to straighten either to crop an image or to both at a same time. Everything in this video tutorial is very good and explained so anybody can easily learn how to use the Ruler Tool in Photoshop CS5.
     I hope that this video tutorial will be useful and helpful to everyone. If you like you can leave your comment in a lower section of this page bellow the movie container. Also, you can choose to watch some other video tutorials from our collection of “how to” Photoshop video tutorials on this site simply by clicking on a thumbnails placed, also, bellow the movie container.
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I hope that you will enjoy your learning. Thank you.



THE RULER TOOL IN PHOTOSHOP CS5 – Photoshop Video Tutorial






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